Jone Allen, CKMC

City Clerk/Treasurer
Mrs. Allen is a Certified Kentucky Municipal Clerk (CKMC) earning her credentials through the Kentucky Municipal Clerks Institute (KMCI), Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) and The University of Kentucky (UK).
The City Clerk is responsible for the keeping of the city's records. These records include the minutes of all the City Council meetings, keeping in order all the city's ordinances, and other city documents. The Clerk is also responsible for the collection of the city's taxes.
The City Treasurer is responsible for the control of the city's funds as requested by department head and directed by the budget. He or she keeps account of all incoming and outgoing funds. The Treasurer along with the Mayor control and invest all city funds that are available for investment.
The City Clerk can be reached by calling (606)365-4500 or emailing
Bonieta Kolasa, Assistant Clerk
The Assistant City Clerk assists the City Clerk in the collection of the city taxes and provides for the first contact for most citizens to city hall by way of the telephone or in person.
The Assistant Clerk can be reached by calling (606)365-4500 or emailing
The Collection of all City Taxes are completed through this office. Below is the link to the City of Stanford Business License and Tax Ordinance as it pertains to Occupational Licenses Fees (business licenses, net profit reporting .65%, and occupational payroll reporting 1.15%) for the City of Stanford.
ATTENTION TAX PREPARERS: The $50 Business License credit on line 7 of the Net Profit Report can not be used as a credit towards the following year. The City of Stanford Tax Ordinance contains a minimum $50 net profit fee for each year which is covered by the purchase of a city business license. This fee can only be taken as a credit towards anything due over $50 for the reporting year.
Business License Renewal is due by close of business (4:30pm) January 31 of each year. (Contractors license are due the day the job commences).
A 10% late fee ($5.00) applies to licenses purchased in the month of February.
Licenses purchased after 2/28 will incurr a 40% ($20.00) penalty.
220.23C General Licensing Provisions.pdf
All reporting forms can be found under the FORMS tab located on the home page.